Monday, April 8, 2013

Old Mirror - New Chalkboard!

I came into contact with this old beautiful mirror a little while ago. The only problem? There was no glass in it any longer. It sat in my living room for months just waiting to be re-purposed but I couldn't figure out what to do with it.

 Here is the before:

After much thinking, I painted it with chalkboard paint I had left over in the garage and took off to find the perfect poem. Here is the final result and it was not as hard as you would think! I found a tutorial that suggested keeping the chalkboard damp as you wrote on it and I would suggest it too. It made the writing neater and easier to continue the writing. 

Hallway Collage

After seeing so many amazing posts with canvas collages, I knew I needed to do one ASAP in my upstairs hallway. You can see this wall from downstairs as well, so it had to look fabulous. I found a couple great collages and waited for a good coupon to come my way.

Well the day came last week when I received 70% off of an online canvas people site and I went on my way with ordering. Imagine my frustration though when every.single.collage I pinned had a size canvas on it that this company did not offer! So to my computer I went and worked hard to find a good amount of canvas that would fit my wall while utilizing the coupon I needed.

Here was the result! I am so happy with it (see below for dimensions)

My wall is 88" long 
The two outer pictures are 16x16
The next ones are 11x11
And the large center one is 18x24

I hope this helps someone else on their canvas design journey!