Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fall wreath

With the kids going back to school, the leaves falling off the trees, and the weather cooling down scorching heat, it is starting to feel like fall is coming! It was time to pull down my summer time sandals on my door and put up a new wreath. I searched far and wide on pinterest for a good fall/autumn wreath but, nothing really struck me as my style. What to do, what to do... make my own of course! I scrolled through pages of ideas and came up with something that kind of mixed a bunch together. A trip to the craft store was in my future.

Here is what you need:
-wreath (I always buy the green foam ones since they are cheaper)
-bag of spanish moss
-floral bunches (I bought two with mixes in them)
-small foam pumpkins or other veggie that represents fall to you
-yarn (this is the standard cheaper yarn in a burnt orange)
-arcyrlic paint
-round sponge brush
-spray glue (I used elmers)
-hot glue gun

TOTAL: $40 and I have enough to make something else


Step One: Use small round sponge brush to paint polka dots on wooden letter. Set aside to dry.

Step Two: Wrap yarn tightly around the wreath. Go about two-thirds around the wreath and make a knot at the end. I made an indent with my nail so I knew where to stop.

Step Three: Spray glue on the part of the wreath that does not have any yarn on it and carefully place moss. Make sure to not have any wreath showing (other than the back side which is fine).

Step Four: Pull the flowers and leaves off of the floral bunches and figure out where they would look best in the moss part of your wreath.

Step Five: Use the hot glue gun to place said pieces in step four.

Step Six: Tie the wooden letter with the same yarn used on the wreath. Tie tightly around the wreath.

Step Seven: Use yarn or ribbon to make the top hanging part of the wreath and tie off.

Step Eight: ENJOY!

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